Online Security Privacy Training at DefRadar | Cybersecurity & Privacy Courses
It's a full-on war for privacy talent.
What is your value on the market?

Privacy & Data Protection Online Academy

CISO at SAP teaches you how to Transform your career and Life and Become the greatest privacy professional in the world.
That includes getting 3 privacy certifications in less than 60 days.

Why Defradar

Everybody seems to know or want to learn about GDPR and privacy today, which is definitely great, what i think a lot of people are missing is developing the correct skillset that will allow you to become the greatest privacy professional or leader for which every company would want to battle, in order to get him or her in their teams.

So, are you looking for a career change into Data Privacy? Are you ready to become one of the greatest privacy professionals in the world?

My name is Roland Costea, i am currently the Chief Security Officer at SAP and CEO of Defradar and i am working with these concepts and teams every day. And what I currently still see, is a lot of people coming with the law background that focus only on learning GDPR regulation, how to apply it, what are the tricks in there, but without being open to have a technology mindset or learn what are the challenges in technology so that they can easily or better deal with these teams. Viceversa is also there, in lower percentages, when people with technology mindsets, come and develop more regulatory skillsets in order to complement or better suit their day by day job.

All these skills, should represent the privacy expert, specialist or leader of TODAY and this is what i am teaching at Defradar. How to become the greatest version of yourself that every company will battle for when they want to hire in Privacy. This course covers all the steps from learning the right way, getting certifications, learn how to create, run and integrate a privacy program, how to make it operational, with what tools, what will your first 100 days be in a privacy role, how to build your value in the resume, how to sell yourself, what templates to use, and definitely how to move in the corporate world. Are you ready for this transformational journey?


All in One
Privacy Course

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